Monday, February 22, 2010

Blogs vs Wikis

New media tools like blogs and wikis have made the internet so much more user friendly. Anyone with a internet connection can start a blog or wiki, one can then share ones thoughts and facts with everyone.

These tools differ from one another in that blogs are [usually] created by one person. That person can then write a topic of interest and allow others to comment on what that person has written. You can personalize and focus your blog on about anything you wish, for instance if you are interested about celebrity news you can go onto one of these celebrity gossip blogs and catch the latest photos. The blog moderators can then have the complete freedom of saying whatever they want to say about these photos and the celebrities without being held back .

Wikis function in a different way. Wikis allow multiple people to collaborate together on a field of interest. This allows people to fix and change information right on ones computer; once the information is changed other people in collaboration with the wiki can see the change right away, making things that much more convenient. Popular sites like Wikipedia has become the world's largest encyclopedia because of the vast amount of people contributing, a global collaboration if you will. You can even write a wiki about yourself and have people contribute and add to it as well

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